Getting Organized Part 1


My summer project is to fix my very messy storage area and turn it into a craft room.
Easier said than done!

Its an extra room that's not really fit for a bedroom (no windows, not much ventilation for someone to relax). But its a good space nonetheless for organized storage.

So after almost a year in our apartment (hehe, yes! a year), I started organizing the space.

Mind you, shelving isn't cheap and unfortunately, with the amount of workload our design workshop has, I always tend to place myself last in terms of priority when it comes to asking our workshop boys to make me anything.

So much work is yet to be done plus I can't do heavy lifting so I kinda need to wait for my ever trusted super yaya to help me move things around.

My current work in progress with old and new stuff over the years.
Baskets and organizers come cheap from Japan Home (Greenbelt 1) and Daiso (Glorietta)

Papers, card stocks, pads, etc.

Tapes, Art Materials for the Kids, Wrapping Papers, etc.

I spotted kitchen and living room items in storage that were extra and unused from our move last year such as hook sets and an extendable curtain rod. 

I asked my brother to help me install these. I collect different scissors, punching tools and these old and new ribbons (some are already vintage). 

Unfortunately, the new ribbon rolls in the market have holes that are much too small so I'm still making another make-shift holder for those.

DIY Ribbon Station with re-used items from the house

So there, I can't wait to get this done before the baby comes! Lots of things to do still but I only have time when I don't have projects due or at least every Sunday afternoon, this becomes my go-to activity if we're home early from church.

My kids are also excited to get this room done because we'll have more time to spend together crafting given that we're trying home schooling this year.

I hope this heat goes away or gives us some form of relief in terms of rain, at least a few times a week!

As I've said, being preggy is literally having a bun in the oven and you feel so sweaty and hot all the time, even in an air-conditioned room.

I'm also excited to share tried and tested online sellers for all your craft needs.
I've ordered some items from different ones recently and I'm very happy with the services I got.
More on those in my next posts.

Enjoy the summer and keep cool and busy!


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